Following parquet files can be accessed from ipfs
, see the homepage for instructions.
Raw files are direct result of API fetch, while processed files have been cleaned and normalized.
Current convention for processed files is to store address
in lowercase format. Columns are renamed to snake_case
File listing
Processed Files:
Raw Files:
For each of the files you can find sample rows, and schema below.
Processed Files
question_id: string
project_id: string
application_id: int64
chain_id: string
round_id: string
question: string
question_type: string
answer: string
question_id | project_id | application_id | chain_id | round_id | question | question_type | answer | |
0 | 1 | 0xb25b0a149ce400e9c5906308a7079da37a99c0cab0aa... | 0 | 1 | 0x05df76bc446cee7ad536e2d23c128c9c8909cf7b | Funding Sources | short-answer | HOME |
1 | 2 | 0xb25b0a149ce400e9c5906308a7079da37a99c0cab0aa... | 0 | 1 | 0x05df76bc446cee7ad536e2d23c128c9c8909cf7b | Team Size | number | 1 |
2 | 1 | 0xaebed2cd5ab824350703b4d037ace0e3c23607e4e501... | 1 | 1 | 0x05df76bc446cee7ad536e2d23c128c9c8909cf7b | Funding Sources | short-answer | koç holding |
3 | 2 | 0xaebed2cd5ab824350703b4d037ace0e3c23607e4e501... | 1 | 1 | 0x05df76bc446cee7ad536e2d23c128c9c8909cf7b | Team Size | number | 21 |
name: string
short_name: string
info_url: string
chain_id: string
network_id: int64
native_currency: struct<name: string, symbol: string, decimals: int32>
child 0, name: string
child 1, symbol: string
child 2, decimals: int32
ens: struct<registry: string>
child 0, registry: string
explorers: list<element: map<string, string (‘element’)>>
child 0, element: map<string, string (‘element’)>
child 0, element: struct<key: string not null, value: string> not null
child 0, key: string not null
child 1, value: string
rpc: list<element: string>
child 0, element: string
parent: struct<type: string, chain: string, bridges: list<element: struct<url: string>>>
child 0, type: string
child 1, chain: string
child 2, bridges: list<element: struct<url: string>>
child 0, element: struct<url: string>
child 0, url: string
name | short_name | info_url | chain_id | network_id | native_currency | ens | explorers | rpc | parent | |
0 | Ethereum Mainnet | eth | | 1 | 1 | {'name': 'Ether', 'symbol': 'ETH', 'decimals':... | {'registry': '0x00000000000C2E074eC69A0dFb2997... | [[(name, etherscan), (url, https://etherscan.i... | [${INFURA_API_KEY... | None |
1 | OP Mainnet | oeth | | 10 | 10 | {'name': 'Ether', 'symbol': 'ETH', 'decimals':... | None | [[(name, etherscan), (url, https://optimistic.... | [, https://optimism... | None |
2 | Polygon Mainnet | matic | | 137 | 137 | {'name': 'MATIC', 'symbol': 'MATIC', 'decimals... | None | [[(name, polygonscan), (url, https://polygonsc... | [, https://rpc-mainnet... | None |
3 | Fantom Opera | ftm | | 250 | 250 | {'name': 'Fantom', 'symbol': 'FTM', 'decimals'... | None | [[(name, ftmscan), (url,,... | [, https://fantom.publicn... | None |
address: string
score: int64
status: string
last_score_timestamp: timestamp[us, tz=UTC]
evidence_type: string
evidence_success: string
evidence_raw_score: string
evidence_threshold: string
address | score | status | last_score_timestamp | evidence_type | evidence_success | evidence_raw_score | evidence_threshold | |
0 | 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 | 0 | DONE | 2023-12-29 08:07:07.327000+00:00 | ThresholdScoreCheck | false | 0 | 20.00000 |
1 | 0x0000000000098341a924bd53454654a0dbbc4e43 | 0 | DONE | 2023-12-29 08:20:47.033000+00:00 | ThresholdScoreCheck | false | 0 | 20.00000 |
2 | 0x0000000000ce6d8c1fba76f26d6cc5db71432710 | 0 | DONE | 2024-01-09 14:12:49.967000+00:00 | ThresholdScoreCheck | false | 16.601048 | 20.00000 |
3 | 0x00000000037a08ce8c4917a5c58f40c85367df0c | 1 | DONE | 2023-12-29 07:29:03.207000+00:00 | ThresholdScoreCheck | true | 25.333170 | 20.00000 |
project_id: string
project_number: int64
meta_ptr: string
metadata: string
owners: list<element: string>
child 0, element: string
created_at_block: int64
chain_id: string
title: string
description: string
website: string
project_twitter: string
logo_image: string
banner_image: string
created_at: decimal128(18, 3)
project_id | project_number | meta_ptr | metadata | owners | created_at_block | chain_id | title | description | website | project_twitter | logo_image | banner_image | created_at | |
0 | 0xab83cae7352409a46369fdbbcb4f0ebe0cda64d8278a... | 0 | bafkreihxsibloyosuswqbutq5riet7dhdlj5tizrua3ff... | {"title": "test zkSync project", "description"... | [0x37e5e6eb36467F98392ebBb35F110FbB8238e6D3] | 21332088 | 324 | test zkSync project | test description | | None | None | 1702413979425.000 | |
1 | 0x6580f5dce1d810e80de1f1df46f3af4f67887b9eaed1... | 1 | bafkreigax2w3g6y4hrv3jhepjjwdqrsko7wl7u6vqdtd5... | {"title": "Test Project Era", "description": "... | [0xc6D12fC5B80E6e142692719718287d7Ee8a5747c] | 21965695 | 324 | Test Project Era | This is a test project on zkSync Era mainnet | | None | None | None | 1703070018985.000 |
2 | 0x85e6f898cfe44027ead05665779ce66630c377956a48... | 2 | bafkreidpszhsvo7ap34idpx5qqfdgbzqoy5u6tzgfr67j... | {"title": "Test project", "description": "This... | [0xbD7E8c1cCfD53fe9b188065Ec5B768e2C55406cc] | 22488737 | 324 | Test project | This project aims to bridge the gap between re... | | CalebJamesXD | bafkreicoe2keixbqu2aowkeurr2aghde7icgnnmjpqnvh... | None | 1703627846790.000 |
3 | 0x1ff0b1579ed3abbaf6555aac733419ce15885108fd98... | 3 | bafkreiegmnt3xdgjm3az77v7flutepp5ypqn65jm34foq... | {"title": "zkFair", "description": "Community ... | [0xd256E9F31cd42B83E84257d61A5F06d108577EC0] | 22538451 | 324 | zkFair | Community Owned L2, 100% Fair Launch.\n\nThe f... | | ZKFCommunity | bafkreias6mayniw4ty3lkmqqflmjh2ixql6tuivv4gipb... | bafkreid2tfkxrpsdtgnts3yjild6wmdsr7zqgxwnzkzyj... | 1703680525768.000 |
block_signed_at: string
block_height: int64
block_hash: string
tx_hash: string
tx_offset: int64
successful: bool
miner_address: string
from_address: string
from_address_label: int32
to_address: string
to_address_label: int32
value: string
value_quote: double
pretty_value_quote: string
gas_metadata: struct<contract_decimals: int32, contract_name: string, contract_ticker_symbol: string, contract_address: string, supports_erc: int32, logo_url: string>
child 0, contract_decimals: int32
child 1, contract_name: string
child 2, contract_ticker_symbol: string
child 3, contract_address: string
child 4, supports_erc: int32
child 5, logo_url: string
gas_offered: int64
gas_spent: int64
gas_price: int64
fees_paid: string
gas_quote: double
pretty_gas_quote: string
gas_quote_rate: double
explorers: list<element: struct<label: int32, url: string>>
child 0, element: struct<label: int32, url: string>
child 0, label: int32
child 1, url: string
log_events: list<element: struct<block_signed_at: string, block_height: int32, tx_offset: int32, log_offset: int32, tx_hash: string, raw_log_topics: list<element: string>, sender_contract_decimals: int32, sender_name: int32, sender_contract_ticker_symbol: int32, sender_address: string, sender_address_label: int32, sender_logo_url: string, raw_log_data: string, decoded: struct<name: string, signature: string, params: list<element: struct<name: string, type: string, indexed: bool, decoded: bool, value: string>>>>>
child 0, element: struct<block_signed_at: string, block_height: int32, tx_offset: int32, log_offset: int32, tx_hash: string, raw_log_topics: list<element: string>, sender_contract_decimals: int32, sender_name: int32, sender_contract_ticker_symbol: int32, sender_address: string, sender_address_label: int32, sender_logo_url: string, raw_log_data: string, decoded: struct<name: string, signature: string, params: list<element: struct<name: string, type: string, indexed: bool, decoded: bool, value: string>>>>
child 0, block_signed_at: string
child 1, block_height: int32
child 2, tx_offset: int32
child 3, log_offset: int32
child 4, tx_hash: string
child 5, raw_log_topics: list<element: string>
child 0, element: string
child 6, sender_contract_decimals: int32
child 7, sender_name: int32
child 8, sender_contract_ticker_symbol: int32
child 9, sender_address: string
child 10, sender_address_label: int32
child 11, sender_logo_url: string
child 12, raw_log_data: string
child 13, decoded: struct<name: string, signature: string, params: list<element: struct<name: string, type: string, indexed: bool, decoded: bool, value: string>>>
child 0, name: string
child 1, signature: string
child 2, params: list<element: struct<name: string, type: string, indexed: bool, decoded: bool, value: string>>
child 0, element: struct<name: string, type: string, indexed: bool, decoded: bool, value: string>
child 0, name: string
child 1, type: string
child 2, indexed: bool
child 3, decoded: bool
child 4, value: string
block_signed_at | block_height | block_hash | tx_hash | tx_offset | successful | miner_address | from_address | from_address_label | to_address | ... | gas_metadata | gas_offered | gas_spent | gas_price | fees_paid | gas_quote | pretty_gas_quote | gas_quote_rate | explorers | log_events | |
0 | 2023-01-12T00:37:35Z | 16387186 | 0x0a504c6ae7b1191452832d06a094283b13d12c46d5d1... | 0x3857de13d274d011c730e1f2227ac53915db67633891... | 90 | True | 0x95222290dd7278aa3ddd389cc1e1d165cc4bafe5 | 0x05e0a46a3a96478f8c6915f57e8089b3397e7cea | NaN | 0x03506ed3f57892c85db20c36846e9c808afe9ef4 | ... | {'contract_decimals': 18, 'contract_name': 'Et... | 51386 | 51091 | 26771078272 | 1367761159994752 | 1.938205 | $1.94 | 1417.064058 | [{'label': None, 'url': ' | [{'block_signed_at': '2023-01-12T00:37:35Z', '... |
1 | 2023-01-12T00:05:59Z | 16387028 | 0x6a0067ee25a68e913c5739c3049d649c241285b59400... | 0x861686470fd0fd1fd6b1e27a8844e3d52ce42434b44f... | 91 | True | 0xdafea492d9c6733ae3d56b7ed1adb60692c98bc5 | 0xd704c5f9826191f3bd06cae867d0f20cafa8aeba | NaN | 0x03506ed3f57892c85db20c36846e9c808afe9ef4 | ... | {'contract_decimals': 18, 'contract_name': 'Et... | 220784 | 217840 | 36916786753 | 8041952826273520 | 11.395962 | $11.40 | 1417.064058 | [{'label': None, 'url': ' | [{'block_signed_at': '2023-01-12T00:05:59Z', '... |
2 | 2023-01-11T23:49:23Z | 16386946 | 0x2891969e361e291c17c514376af27d6ac8e45372757f... | 0xbd8fa1e6f7da94de4bb8f9f88a373cbb07aee7176044... | 67 | True | 0xaab27b150451726ec7738aa1d0a94505c8729bd1 | 0x0e4d2ec48f03a9ed9068eea2926de34b6ab8646b | NaN | 0x03506ed3f57892c85db20c36846e9c808afe9ef4 | ... | {'contract_decimals': 18, 'contract_name': 'Et... | 220784 | 217840 | 27049669751 | 5892500058557840 | 8.200124 | $8.20 | 1391.620537 | [{'label': None, 'url': ' | [{'block_signed_at': '2023-01-11T23:49:23Z', '... |
3 | 2023-01-11T23:32:23Z | 16386861 | 0x2e9edf9e52cc0a9760b4216b5a1b551e4c801e616d0f... | 0xf3a92a332f627126c80401f108f323059661986f9878... | 85 | True | 0xdafea492d9c6733ae3d56b7ed1adb60692c98bc5 | 0x14cb60f6aca2b2a68d975743bacb33f01f587da5 | NaN | 0x03506ed3f57892c85db20c36846e9c808afe9ef4 | ... | {'contract_decimals': 18, 'contract_name': 'Et... | 220784 | 217840 | 36681941762 | 7990794193434080 | 11.120153 | $11.12 | 1391.620537 | [{'label': None, 'url': ' | [{'block_signed_at': '2023-01-11T23:32:23Z', '... |
4 rows × 24 columns
chain_id: string
round_id: string
id: int64
project_id: string
status: string
amount_usd: double
votes: int64
unique_contributors: int64
metadata: string
created_at_block: int64
status_updated_at_block: int64
status_snapshots: list<element: struct<status: string, statusUpdatedAtBlock: int32>>
child 0, element: struct<status: string, statusUpdatedAtBlock: int32>
child 0, status: string
child 1, statusUpdatedAtBlock: int32
signature: string
recipient: string
chain_id | round_id | id | project_id | status | amount_usd | votes | unique_contributors | metadata | created_at_block | status_updated_at_block | status_snapshots | signature | recipient | |
0 | 1 | 0x05df76bc446cee7ad536e2d23c128c9c8909cf7b | 0 | 0xb25b0a149ce400e9c5906308a7079da37a99c0cab0aa... | PENDING | 0.000000 | 0 | 0 | {"signature": "0x471f4b214d70e1fc15dbfe7e8f4a5... | 17787259 | 17787259 | [{'status': 'PENDING', 'statusUpdatedAtBlock':... | 0x471f4b214d70e1fc15dbfe7e8f4a57f5e493c0cf5dd2... | 0xf2af41a645f7b439ed4c9149d1ce687d33181b93 |
1 | 1 | 0x05df76bc446cee7ad536e2d23c128c9c8909cf7b | 1 | 0xaebed2cd5ab824350703b4d037ace0e3c23607e4e501... | PENDING | 0.000000 | 0 | 0 | {"signature": "0x69d0a4b51f548782de428ed699408... | 17802994 | 17802994 | [{'status': 'PENDING', 'statusUpdatedAtBlock':... | 0x69d0a4b51f548782de428ed699408f3db1d113bd1fc5... | 0x6da84e637ffb51c69de568a11828a30b4886d5cb |
2 | 1 | 0x4ea08b3b738fa982dc75d36adb04d36a7b342153 | 0 | 0x69e771524f5691b3d6945b24ca7e7413b56708872331... | APPROVED | 462.420293 | 92 | 87 | {"signature": "0x0dbe6090d26c64f7ada8e521c53bc... | 17886544 | 17887234 | [{'status': 'PENDING', 'statusUpdatedAtBlock':... | 0x0dbe6090d26c64f7ada8e521c53bcc6e1e8317debb94... | 0x0bff9f35dc96e4cd9db682bd7ed0045dab3dae7c |
3 | 1 | 0x4ea08b3b738fa982dc75d36adb04d36a7b342153 | 1 | 0xadbf4d01f3452bccd957bc476171979a9cb26b3468b6... | APPROVED | 246.475575 | 68 | 65 | {"signature": "0x969ffad936c8fe90e5136c250755d... | 17887015 | 17887234 | [{'status': 'PENDING', 'statusUpdatedAtBlock':... | 0x969ffad936c8fe90e5136c250755d960c31253877252... | 0x07c3b69211e3071a5e7f3275b9ce92b8d38a65cc |
chain_id: string
round_id: string
id: string
transaction: string
block_number: int64
project_id: string
application_id: int64
voter: string
grant_address: string
token: string
amount: double
amount_usd: double
amount_round_token: double
chain_id | round_id | id | transaction | block_number | project_id | application_id | voter | grant_address | token | amount | amount_usd | amount_round_token | |
0 | 250 | 0x4c9cb06c6b69ac42a8737389c12dd77a1cc90d04 | 0x8386cc7f60e96c4f5825f3bf43a2c674a84f91a67625... | 0x80b32d58d33ea2d267158f988dfd36ba7ef4987880ce... | 67420123 | 0xd2d10ca4b6b87fb6c0052ca3e0748236363d9e961d70... | 0 | 0x37e5e6eb36467f98392ebbb35f110fbb8238e6d3 | 0x37e5e6eb36467f98392ebbb35f110fbb8238e6d3 | 0x83791638da5eb2faa432aff1c65fba47c5d29510 | 1.500000e+19 | 14.997784 | 7.245386e+19 |
1 | 250 | 0x4c9cb06c6b69ac42a8737389c12dd77a1cc90d04 | 0xa57f801c1e43d4e1dd0df3f3dbbd80a7d4146eb7dddd... | 0x80b32d58d33ea2d267158f988dfd36ba7ef4987880ce... | 67420123 | 0x4821b33f7e2079a82acdbcc452a13a8d59cc33b6981b... | 1 | 0x37e5e6eb36467f98392ebbb35f110fbb8238e6d3 | 0x37e5e6eb36467f98392ebbb35f110fbb8238e6d3 | 0x83791638da5eb2faa432aff1c65fba47c5d29510 | 1.000000e+19 | 9.998522 | 4.830258e+19 |
2 | 250 | 0x4c9cb06c6b69ac42a8737389c12dd77a1cc90d04 | 0x0752cf1006e5e6beef5fbf441f860a4cd994bcd20ad0... | 0x9f9b248cfc65698be1a64c4c4c16c07b679a75eee654... | 67420342 | 0x4821b33f7e2079a82acdbcc452a13a8d59cc33b6981b... | 1 | 0xabf28f8d9adfb2255f4a059e37d3bce9104969db | 0x37e5e6eb36467f98392ebbb35f110fbb8238e6d3 | 0x83791638da5eb2faa432aff1c65fba47c5d29510 | 1.000000e+19 | 9.998522 | 4.830258e+19 |
3 | 250 | 0x4c9cb06c6b69ac42a8737389c12dd77a1cc90d04 | 0xa2e8186bc1d0b2a70a67de0232c1a814449fb0fcdbe3... | 0x9f9b248cfc65698be1a64c4c4c16c07b679a75eee654... | 67420342 | 0xd2d10ca4b6b87fb6c0052ca3e0748236363d9e961d70... | 0 | 0xabf28f8d9adfb2255f4a059e37d3bce9104969db | 0x37e5e6eb36467f98392ebbb35f110fbb8238e6d3 | 0x83791638da5eb2faa432aff1c65fba47c5d29510 | 1.500000e+19 | 14.997784 | 7.245386e+19 |
id: string
amount_usd: double
votes: int64
token: string
match_amount: double
match_amount_usd: double
unique_contributors: int64
application_meta_ptr: string
application_metadata: string
meta_ptr: string
metadata: string
applications_start_time: int64
applications_end_time: double
round_start_time: int64
round_end_time: double
created_at_block: int64
updated_at_block: int64
chain_id: string
name: string
round_type: string
program_address: string
sybil_defense: bool
id | amount_usd | votes | token | match_amount | match_amount_usd | unique_contributors | application_meta_ptr | application_metadata | meta_ptr | ... | applications_end_time | round_start_time | round_end_time | created_at_block | updated_at_block | chain_id | name | round_type | program_address | sybil_defense | |
0 | 0x71c922e5d5f197c56063f28d3247a928626c3af8 | 0.0 | 0 | 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 | 1.000000e+14 | 0.228167 | 0 | bafkreih3lwredk6xyd6l3ee5gjp6jabr26zy7mvl2wf5b... | {'lastUpdatedOn': 1701974099259, 'applicationS... | bafkreifad67v2rqoab46occazwlisc36v3nlpblu3attt... | ... | 1.702080e+09 | 1702080000 | 1.702166e+09 | 20912426 | 20912426 | 324 | Allo Test Round | private | 0x858bade14e6e65083d69a72f6799769ef4128e50 | True |
1 | 0xb03f376c5c8e91a0dbb8dae334bc379c7661aa40 | 0.0 | 0 | 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 | 1.000000e+17 | 228.167429 | 0 | bafkreia4s7speji722aiunvwmebk3it36oxq6cfnupqqc... | {'lastUpdatedOn': 1702312958211, 'applicationS... | bafkreickc3lggvw4z5kt6hpb2fzjhhd45me7bqhrmhqgl... | ... | 1.704499e+09 | 1702314000 | 1.704499e+09 | 21234811 | 21234811 | 324 | Michelle's Test zkSync Round | private | 0x0377a29b428271b3925ecfa02a8012decaa90769 | True |
2 | 0x8ee1380b2d8130d6a222bb63329e59550da2e294 | 0.0 | 0 | 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 | 1.000000e+15 | 2.281674 | 0 | bafkreidrmsmlk4ai2ylxnv3opx5d6hzry3fzj3xg7hf3y... | {'lastUpdatedOn': 1702413344271, 'applicationS... | bafkreia5zuh4gebzapa7nkqprmqahdoqjsv6bvrso5udm... | ... | 1.702426e+09 | 1702413600 | 1.702426e+09 | 21331464 | 21331464 | 324 | Test QF Round | private | 0xbcfc254dfcec99012733e8ded42504538756f1f7 | True |
3 | 0xe07a9b27ca7e721eacf2294d347e74e108452038 | 0.0 | 0 | 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 | 1.000000e+18 | 2281.674286 | 0 | bafkreihshlnkqgapwabfksxlpka57rk73fx7vcpr3f643... | {'lastUpdatedOn': 1702897013910, 'applicationS... | bafkreianlwnuevthuhcbq3ugcugrbnnykcxdqhroogmdy... | ... | 1.703981e+09 | 1704067200 | 1.705277e+09 | 21797811 | 21797811 | 324 | ZkSync Test Round 1 | private | 0x88707fbb4d7583d8fc904e8ff5fdda7afe810888 | True |
4 rows × 22 columns
Raw Files
address: string
chain_name: string
contract: string
address | chain_name | contract | |
0 | 0x56296242ca408ba36393f3981879ff9692f193cc | Ethereum Mainnet | ProgramFactory |
1 | 0x0bfa0aaf5f2d81f859e85c8e82a3fc5b624fc6e8 | Ethereum Mainnet | ProgramImplementation |
2 | 0x4a850f463d1c4842937c5bc9540dbc803d744c9f | Ethereum Mainnet | QuadraticFundingVotingStrategyFactory |
3 | 0xddc143f736f912ae6aaf2fcef2c78b267745b0f2 | Ethereum Mainnet | QFVotingStrategyImplementation |
name: string
chain: string
icon: string
rpc: list<element: string>
child 0, element: string
features: list<element: struct<name: string>>
child 0, element: struct<name: string>
child 0, name: string
faucets: list<element: int32>
child 0, element: int32
nativeCurrency: struct<name: string, symbol: string, decimals: int32>
child 0, name: string
child 1, symbol: string
child 2, decimals: int32
infoURL: string
shortName: string
chainId: string
networkId: int64
slip44: int64
ens: struct<registry: string>
child 0, registry: string
explorers: list<element: map<string, string (‘element’)>>
child 0, element: map<string, string (‘element’)>
child 0, element: struct<key: string not null, value: string> not null
child 0, key: string not null
child 1, value: string
title: string
status: string
redFlags: int32
parent: struct<type: string, chain: string, bridges: list<element: struct<url: string>>>
child 0, type: string
child 1, chain: string
child 2, bridges: list<element: struct<url: string>>
child 0, element: struct<url: string>
child 0, url: string
name | chain | icon | rpc | features | faucets | nativeCurrency | infoURL | shortName | chainId | networkId | slip44 | ens | explorers | title | status | redFlags | parent | |
0 | Ethereum Mainnet | ETH | ethereum | [${INFURA_API_KEY... | [{'name': 'EIP155'}, {'name': 'EIP1559'}] | [] | {'name': 'Ether', 'symbol': 'ETH', 'decimals':... | | eth | 1 | 1 | 60.0 | {'registry': '0x00000000000C2E074eC69A0dFb2997... | [[(name, etherscan), (url, https://etherscan.i... | None | None | NaN | None |
1 | OP Mainnet | ETH | None | [, https://optimism... | None | [] | {'name': 'Ether', 'symbol': 'ETH', 'decimals':... | | oeth | 10 | 10 | NaN | None | [[(name, etherscan), (url, https://optimistic.... | None | None | NaN | None |
2 | Polygon Mainnet | Polygon | polygon | [, https://rpc-mainnet... | None | [] | {'name': 'MATIC', 'symbol': 'MATIC', 'decimals... | | matic | 137 | 137 | 966.0 | None | [[(name, polygonscan), (url, https://polygonsc... | None | None | NaN | None |
3 | Fantom Opera | FTM | fantom | [, https://fantom.publicn... | None | [] | {'name': 'Fantom', 'symbol': 'FTM', 'decimals'... | | ftm | 250 | 250 | NaN | None | [[(name, ftmscan), (url,,... | None | None | NaN | None |
address: string
score: int64
last_score_timestamp: timestamp[us, tz=UTC]
status: string
evidence: struct<type: string, success: bool, rawScore: string, threshold: string>
child 0, type: string
child 1, success: bool
child 2, rawScore: string
child 3, threshold: string
id: int64
address | score | last_score_timestamp | status | evidence | id | |
0 | 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 | 0 | 2023-12-29 08:07:07.327000+00:00 | DONE | {'type': 'ThresholdScoreCheck', 'success': Fal... | 267616 |
1 | 0x0000000000098341a924bd53454654a0dbbc4e43 | 0 | 2023-12-29 08:20:47.033000+00:00 | DONE | {'type': 'ThresholdScoreCheck', 'success': Fal... | 480966 |
2 | 0x0000000000ce6d8c1fba76f26d6cc5db71432710 | 0 | 2024-01-09 14:12:49.967000+00:00 | DONE | {'type': 'ThresholdScoreCheck', 'success': Fal... | 1783713 |
3 | 0x00000000037a08ce8c4917a5c58f40c85367df0c | 1 | 2023-12-29 07:29:03.207000+00:00 | DONE | {'type': 'ThresholdScoreCheck', 'success': Tru... | 132926 |
token: string
code: string
price: double
timestamp: timestamp[us]
block: int64
chainId: string
token | code | price | timestamp | block | chainId | |
0 | 0x7f5c764cbc14f9669b88837ca1490cca17c31607 | USDC | 0.998341 | 2022-12-01 00:00:00 | 44046981 | 10 |
1 | 0x7f5c764cbc14f9669b88837ca1490cca17c31607 | USDC | 1.004003 | 2022-12-01 01:00:00 | 44060624 | 10 |
2 | 0x7f5c764cbc14f9669b88837ca1490cca17c31607 | USDC | 1.001720 | 2022-12-01 02:00:00 | 44074201 | 10 |
3 | 0x7f5c764cbc14f9669b88837ca1490cca17c31607 | USDC | 0.999241 | 2022-12-01 03:00:00 | 44090697 | 10 |
id: string
projectNumber: int64
metaPtr: string
metadata: string
owners: list<element: string>
child 0, element: string
createdAtBlock: int64
chainId: string
id | projectNumber | metaPtr | metadata | owners | createdAtBlock | chainId | |
0 | 0xab83cae7352409a46369fdbbcb4f0ebe0cda64d8278a... | 0 | bafkreihxsibloyosuswqbutq5riet7dhdlj5tizrua3ff... | {"title": "test zkSync project", "description"... | [0x37e5e6eb36467F98392ebBb35F110FbB8238e6D3] | 21332088 | 324 |
1 | 0x6580f5dce1d810e80de1f1df46f3af4f67887b9eaed1... | 1 | bafkreigax2w3g6y4hrv3jhepjjwdqrsko7wl7u6vqdtd5... | {"title": "Test Project Era", "description": "... | [0xc6D12fC5B80E6e142692719718287d7Ee8a5747c] | 21965695 | 324 |
2 | 0x85e6f898cfe44027ead05665779ce66630c377956a48... | 2 | bafkreidpszhsvo7ap34idpx5qqfdgbzqoy5u6tzgfr67j... | {"title": "Test project", "description": "This... | [0xbD7E8c1cCfD53fe9b188065Ec5B768e2C55406cc] | 22488737 | 324 |
3 | 0x1ff0b1579ed3abbaf6555aac733419ce15885108fd98... | 3 | bafkreiegmnt3xdgjm3az77v7flutepp5ypqn65jm34foq... | {"title": "zkFair", "description": "Community ... | [0xd256E9F31cd42B83E84257d61A5F06d108577EC0] | 22538451 | 324 |
chainId: string
roundId: string
id: int64
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status: string
amountUSD: double
votes: int64
uniqueContributors: int64
metadata: string
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statusUpdatedAtBlock: int64
statusSnapshots: list<element: struct<status: string, statusUpdatedAtBlock: int32>>
child 0, element: struct<status: string, statusUpdatedAtBlock: int32>
child 0, status: string
child 1, statusUpdatedAtBlock: int32
chainId | roundId | id | projectId | status | amountUSD | votes | uniqueContributors | metadata | createdAtBlock | statusUpdatedAtBlock | statusSnapshots | |
0 | 1 | 0x05Df76bC446Cee7aD536E2D23C128c9c8909cF7B | 0 | 0xb25b0a149ce400e9c5906308a7079da37a99c0cab0aa... | PENDING | 0.000000 | 0 | 0 | {"signature": "0x471f4b214d70e1fc15dbfe7e8f4a5... | 17787259 | 17787259 | [{'status': 'PENDING', 'statusUpdatedAtBlock':... |
1 | 1 | 0x05Df76bC446Cee7aD536E2D23C128c9c8909cF7B | 1 | 0xaebed2cd5ab824350703b4d037ace0e3c23607e4e501... | PENDING | 0.000000 | 0 | 0 | {"signature": "0x69d0a4b51f548782de428ed699408... | 17802994 | 17802994 | [{'status': 'PENDING', 'statusUpdatedAtBlock':... |
2 | 1 | 0x4Ea08B3b738Fa982Dc75d36ADb04D36A7b342153 | 0 | 0x69e771524f5691b3d6945b24ca7e7413b56708872331... | APPROVED | 462.420293 | 92 | 87 | {"signature": "0x0dbe6090d26c64f7ada8e521c53bc... | 17886544 | 17887234 | [{'status': 'PENDING', 'statusUpdatedAtBlock':... |
3 | 1 | 0x4Ea08B3b738Fa982Dc75d36ADb04D36A7b342153 | 1 | 0xadbf4d01f3452bccd957bc476171979a9cb26b3468b6... | APPROVED | 246.475575 | 68 | 65 | {"signature": "0x969ffad936c8fe90e5136c250755d... | 17887015 | 17887234 | [{'status': 'PENDING', 'statusUpdatedAtBlock':... |
chainId: string
roundId: string
id: string
amountUSD: double
votes: int64
chainId | roundId | id | amountUSD | votes | |
0 | 42161 | "0xe0a6f4E932b16C85318A77de43B7048863C522D2" | 0x636DA9bF416B662B5Fedaf67d5937d07A34c6a2D | 17.723946 | 3 |
1 | 42161 | "0x0BbD781509C0aC5DCf9f4d7884Dc080931AE22df" | 0x37e5e6eb36467F98392ebBb35F110FbB8238e6D3 | 0.048459 | 3 |
2 | 42161 | "0x59D79b22595B17AF659Ce9b03907615F53742C57" | 0x2280606ABC0cbe1Cc7762389334AE9b124B0AbB9 | 1.030015 | 1 |
3 | 42161 | "0x59D79b22595B17AF659Ce9b03907615F53742C57" | 0xe84BAacC064e4E8c212DCE00BA3c698ea98F78e7 | 1.021572 | 1 |
chainId: string
roundId: string
id: string
transaction: string
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projectId: string
applicationId: int64
voter: string
grantAddress: string
token: string
amount: double
amountUSD: double
amountRoundToken: double
chainId | roundId | id | transaction | blockNumber | projectId | applicationId | voter | grantAddress | token | amount | amountUSD | amountRoundToken | |
0 | 250 | 0x4c9cb06c6b69aC42a8737389c12dd77A1CC90D04 | 0x8386cc7f60e96c4f5825f3bf43a2c674a84f91a67625... | 0x80b32d58d33ea2d267158f988dfd36ba7ef4987880ce... | 67420123 | 0xd2d10ca4b6b87fb6c0052ca3e0748236363d9e961d70... | 0 | 0x37e5e6eb36467F98392ebBb35F110FbB8238e6D3 | 0x37e5e6eb36467F98392ebBb35F110FbB8238e6D3 | 0x83791638da5EB2fAa432aff1c65fbA47c5D29510 | 1.500000e+19 | 14.997784 | 7.245386e+19 |
1 | 250 | 0x4c9cb06c6b69aC42a8737389c12dd77A1CC90D04 | 0xa57f801c1e43d4e1dd0df3f3dbbd80a7d4146eb7dddd... | 0x80b32d58d33ea2d267158f988dfd36ba7ef4987880ce... | 67420123 | 0x4821b33f7e2079a82acdbcc452a13a8d59cc33b6981b... | 1 | 0x37e5e6eb36467F98392ebBb35F110FbB8238e6D3 | 0x37e5e6eb36467F98392ebBb35F110FbB8238e6D3 | 0x83791638da5EB2fAa432aff1c65fbA47c5D29510 | 1.000000e+19 | 9.998522 | 4.830258e+19 |
2 | 250 | 0x4c9cb06c6b69aC42a8737389c12dd77A1CC90D04 | 0x0752cf1006e5e6beef5fbf441f860a4cd994bcd20ad0... | 0x9f9b248cfc65698be1a64c4c4c16c07b679a75eee654... | 67420342 | 0x4821b33f7e2079a82acdbcc452a13a8d59cc33b6981b... | 1 | 0xABF28f8D9adFB2255F4a059e37d3BcE9104969dB | 0x37e5e6eb36467F98392ebBb35F110FbB8238e6D3 | 0x83791638da5EB2fAa432aff1c65fbA47c5D29510 | 1.000000e+19 | 9.998522 | 4.830258e+19 |
3 | 250 | 0x4c9cb06c6b69aC42a8737389c12dd77A1CC90D04 | 0xa2e8186bc1d0b2a70a67de0232c1a814449fb0fcdbe3... | 0x9f9b248cfc65698be1a64c4c4c16c07b679a75eee654... | 67420342 | 0xd2d10ca4b6b87fb6c0052ca3e0748236363d9e961d70... | 0 | 0xABF28f8D9adFB2255F4a059e37d3BcE9104969dB | 0x37e5e6eb36467F98392ebBb35F110FbB8238e6D3 | 0x83791638da5EB2fAa432aff1c65fbA47c5D29510 | 1.500000e+19 | 14.997784 | 7.245386e+19 |
id: string
amountUSD: double
votes: int64
token: string
matchAmount: double
matchAmountUSD: double
uniqueContributors: int64
applicationMetaPtr: string
applicationMetadata: string
metaPtr: string
metadata: string
applicationsStartTime: int64
applicationsEndTime: double
roundStartTime: int64
roundEndTime: double
createdAtBlock: int64
updatedAtBlock: int64
chainId: string
id | amountUSD | votes | token | matchAmount | matchAmountUSD | uniqueContributors | applicationMetaPtr | applicationMetadata | metaPtr | metadata | applicationsStartTime | applicationsEndTime | roundStartTime | roundEndTime | createdAtBlock | updatedAtBlock | chainId | |
0 | 0x71C922E5D5f197C56063F28d3247a928626c3AF8 | 0.0 | 0 | 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 | 1.000000e+14 | 0.228167 | 0 | bafkreih3lwredk6xyd6l3ee5gjp6jabr26zy7mvl2wf5b... | {'lastUpdatedOn': 1701974099259, 'applicationS... | bafkreifad67v2rqoab46occazwlisc36v3nlpblu3attt... | {"feesPercentage": 0, "feesAddress": "", "name... | 1702063800 | 1.702080e+09 | 1702080000 | 1.702166e+09 | 20912426 | 20912426 | 324 |
1 | 0xb03F376C5c8e91a0dbB8dAE334Bc379c7661Aa40 | 0.0 | 0 | 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 | 1.000000e+17 | 228.167429 | 0 | bafkreia4s7speji722aiunvwmebk3it36oxq6cfnupqqc... | {'lastUpdatedOn': 1702312958211, 'applicationS... | bafkreickc3lggvw4z5kt6hpb2fzjhhd45me7bqhrmhqgl... | {"feesPercentage": 0, "feesAddress": "", "name... | 1702314000 | 1.704499e+09 | 1702314000 | 1.704499e+09 | 21234811 | 21234811 | 324 |
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3 | 0xE07a9b27CA7E721eAcf2294d347E74E108452038 | 0.0 | 0 | 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 | 1.000000e+18 | 2281.674286 | 0 | bafkreihshlnkqgapwabfksxlpka57rk73fx7vcpr3f643... | {'lastUpdatedOn': 1702897013910, 'applicationS... | bafkreianlwnuevthuhcbq3ugcugrbnnykcxdqhroogmdy... | {"feesPercentage": 0, "feesAddress": "", "name... | 1702897200 | 1.703981e+09 | 1704067200 | 1.705277e+09 | 21797811 | 21797811 | 324 |